Saturday, October 05, 2013

Laser Distance Meter (Range Finder) 60m For RM349.90 only (Promotion while stock last)

We have extra stock for sale the item shown here.
SW-D60 是一款专业型的手持式激光测距离,外型小巧,功能齐全,测量精准,操作简便,轻松一按即能快速实现长度、面积、体积测量,带背光的大尺寸高清液晶屏显示让你在任何环境下都对测量结果一目了然。



  • 室内装潢设计及建筑施工
  • 工程监理现场工程查验
  • 交通警察事故现场快速取证
  • 房地产开发及评估、消防评估
  • 公共设施规划、园林、电信行业
This handheld laser range finder use light speed technology to determine the distance up to 60 meter. It is capable of applying theorem pythagoras. It can measures distance, areas, volume etc. Interested buyer can call Edde at 012-4302889 for further details.