Mr. Lam of boat making company called me one night asking the possibility to install their latest boat ceiling with our uPVC panel.
I'm a bit surprise but am confident that this can be done since there will be no direct sunlight.
So, we went to see Mr. Matthew, an English boat maker to show him our stuff and he is delighted to see our products.
He told me he is looking for our products and satisfied that this is the stuff he wants.
He chooses all plain white ceiling panels to match the boat color. We had encountered difficulty in making the template as the normally use cornice is NOT fit for the boat ceiling since there are curve shape and round angle but with the help of his men, we managed it.
This is a lifetime experience as I would never think of. Installing the ceiling boat on the sea water is totally differ with installing in the house or stable building.
I even can feel myself are a bit 'shaking' even I'm now sitting in office writing this blog.