Friday, August 07, 2009

uPVC all white make Kimedia Hexagon office look brighter

Tan brothers came to our office & showroom to view our sample and displays. They choose the all white panel to be the wall panel and ceiling panel.

The white wall panel serves three purposes, firstly of course as wall cover, secondly as giant white board and thirdly, as projector screen! What a creative idea. 3 IN 1!

We do the ceiling with two(2) hexagon shapes. A big hexagon with flat level residing on centre. Six sloping trapeziums surround the centre hexagon. This is the latest design that we have done!

Mr. Tan have good comment on our workmanship and products, we are now doing his Semi-D in Setia Alam. We thanks them for supporting us! Thank you.

We would like to warn avexyz NOT to copy our idea. Do Not Imitate, Avexyz!